Emergency medical care if a casualty or a person falling ill is in a critical condition shall be provided by Emergency medical service team. Please call 113 in order to call for emergency medical service! 113 is available free of charge, 24/7. 

Call emergency number 112 if:

  • the phone does not have a SIM card;

  • PIN code and SIM card are blocked;

  • the text "Emergency calls only" is displayed on the phone screen;

  • prepaid card limit has been used up.

The call is free and available 24/7. More info on the www.112.lv website.

In case of critical conditions the team of doctors provides emergency medical assistance both in the place of event as well as during transportation, including the case if a patient:

  • is unconscious, has convulsions, is not breathing;
  • has serious injury;
  • has major bleeding;
  • has sudden pain in chest;
  • has severe, sudden pain in any part of the body (arms, head, legs, abdomen);
  • has numbness, immobility in one part of the body;
  • clear, sudden shortness of breath.

Doctor of the emergency medical service evaluate each call in accordance with very strict criterions in order to recognise situations, which are dangerous for the lift of a patient.

If a call is not considered as emergency, which means - there is no threat to life of a patient - the Emergency medical service doctors are entitled to refuse to send a team for a place of call already during the application for a call. In case of more simple illnesses and small injuries they will advise to contact with your family doctor or attend the closest medical institution by your own. If the working hours of a doctor is over, you may receive a doctor's advice by calling to Family doctor's consultative telephone 66016001 (from 17.00 to 8.00 o'clock during working days, but during weekends, holidays - round the clock).

When calling to the phone of Emergency medical service 113, a dispatcher will ask:

  • where a patient is located/ where an accident has taken place?
  • what has happened and how many persons has suffered?
  • how old is a person, who has suffered?
  • is a suffered person conscious, able to breathe?
  • who is calling and by which contact phone the person may be reached in case of need?

Please, remember!

1. During the conversation with a dispatcher, please, name as much as possible precise address: town, street, house and apartment number, floor, entrance doors and their safety code. In rural areas - also name of the parish and populated areas, name of the house.

2. If possible, tell also about the best access road by indicating the neighbouring reference-points - name of a shop, fuel station, public transport stop etc.

3. Listen carefully to questions asked by a dispatcher and try to speak clearly, without unnecessary emotions!

4. Please, tell a dispatcher your name and contact phone in order doctors may contact with you in case of need.

5. If possible, try to meet the team!