As of 31 January 2019, the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer a Member State of the European Union (EU) and is therefore no longer covered by the EU framework on the coordination of social security systems, including the right to healthcare. However, on 1 January 2021, the Protocol on Social Security Coordination to the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement entered into force, which provides that Latvian nationals remain under the current healthcare arrangements:

  • During a temporary stay in the UK, emergency and necessary healthcare can be received by presenting the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
  • In Latvia, socially insured persons whose place of residence is in the UK may request Form S1 stating their right to healthcare services in their country of residence.
  • If a person needs elective treatment in the UK to prevent an irreversible deterioration of the vital functions or health condition, it can be received by requesting Form S2 that confirms the entitlement to state-funded elective treatment for the service stated in the form and in a specific medical institution.

Since the withdrawal from the EU, the UK has not been covered by Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, elective services received in the UK without Form S2 or healthcare services received from a private service provider paid for by the individual from his own resources are not eligible for reimbursement.

Information on how persons insured in the UK can receive healthcare in the EU, including in Latvia, can be found on the UK NHS website.