Information for Ukrainian citizens about health care services in Latvia

All the state funded healthcare services are available to you for free. For information, questions +371 80001234 (Monday - Thursday 8:30-17:00, Friday 8:30-15:00, in English and Russian). From foreign phone numbers +371 67045005.

Information materials:

 Receiving medical services

General practitioner




Emergency medical aid  call 113 or 112.


Pregnancy supervision by a gynecologist and obstetric care


General practitioner – consultations, prescriptions, referral to a physician–specialist, for examinations or analyses, vaccines etc. Information:, +371 80001234.

Doctor on duty – medical consultations, prescriptions, etc., beyond the general practitioner's business hours. Available in Riga and other larger cities.

Specialist of direct access – physician without a referral from the general practitioner: gynaecologist; oculist; paediatrist; children's surgeon; narcologist; dermatovenerologist (in case of sexually transmissive diseases); endocrinologist (in case of diabetes); oncologist, oncologist-chemical therapist (in case of oncologic disease); pneumologist (in case of tuberculosis); psychiatrist or children's psychiatrist (in case of mental illness); infectologist (in case of HIV or close contact with a HIV-infected person. For information: +371 80001234.

Urgent medical aid point and hospital admission unit – urgent medical aid – sudden illness, exacerbation of chronic disease or injury. 

General practitioner’s hotline +371 66016001 – phone consultations in case of a simple illness (minor injuries, scars, cold, fever, vomiting, bruises etc.). Business days 17:00–8:00, weekends, public holidays – 24 h, also in Russian.

Dentistry dental services are paid for children up to 18 years of age in full from the state budget. Dental hygiene is also paid for children once a year - at the age of 2 to 18 years. Children can receive dental hygiene services twice a year at the age of 7, 11 and 12. For adults, dentistry is a paid service. For information: 80001234.


Free support services for adults and children:

COVID-19 (  )

It is possible to perform a state-paid Covid-19 test in the laboratory by receiving a referral from a general practitioner. In order to make an appointment for the delivery of covid-19 test tests, you should contact the phone of the specific laboratory. Outpatient state-paid Covid-19 testing is performed on pregnant women (according to clinical indications), while in the hospital every patient upon entering the hospital (in accordance with the procedures established by the institution).

Certificate - not required upon entry in Latvia, for receipt of services and in other cases, passport of a citizen of Ukraine is required.
About COVID isolation and quarantine. Information line +371 67387661 (business days 9:00-16:00).


In Latvia, a prescription for state-reimbursed medicines and medical devices can be issued by a general practitioner or a specialist (e.g. oncologist, allergist) who has signed a contract with the National Health Service. The medical practitioner is competent to make a decision on the necessity to prescribe state-reimbursable medicines, assessing the patient's health condition and the procedure for prescribing state-reimbursable medicines established in the Republic of Latvia (including medicines included in the List of Reimbursable Medicines, diagnoses, conditions for prescribing medicines). Medicinal products and medical devices included in the list of reimbursable medicinal products are reimbursed from the state budget at 100%, except for non-reference medicinal products.  

If you are taking a medicine and need to continue taking it, or if you need a prescription due to a health complaint, you should initially contact your general practitioner.  Your general practitioner will issue a prescription for state-reimbursed medicines or, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.  

For more information on the procedure for obtaining state-reimbursable medicines, call the National Health Service information line +371 80001234 

If a prescription was received in Ukraine - the medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy for the full cost of the prescription, paid out of pocket, on presentation of the prescription.


Prior to receipt of service – passport/visa or permanent residence permit. If no documents are held, call +371 80001234. No patient's co-payment (not applicable to paid services – find out in advance).